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Winding Refn and Ryan Gosling partner up for new movie "Only God Forgives"

4:17 PM

In light of my recent post on Ryan Gosling, the news of this movie gets me quite excited! I had no idea, that the great Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn was filming another movie with his "Drive" leading actor. "Only God Forgives" is another crime thriller that seems to be in line with Drive style- and brutality-wise.

Next to Gosling the movie stars Kristin Scott Thomas and is set in Bangkonk where the lead character Julian is involved in some underworld drug activities that certainly do not end well. The movie will hit US-theaters on July 19 and could definately shoot Winding Refn up to other cult directors such as Quentin Tarantino! Let's hope that it is as good as "Drive".

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